Color evokes emotion, defines a mood, and plays a key role in the overall visual ambiance of a room. While ultimately the influence of color is subjective to each individual, certain colors and/or color combinations are more effective when it comes to creating a specific event atmosphere or feel.

  • Elegance: Neutral colors, such as white, beige, champagne, ivory, or off-white. Provide a sense of tranquility and grace.

  • Sophistication: Darker colors bring about a sense of recognition, strength, and formality. Some examples are black, navy blue, royal blue, charcoal, and emerald green.

  • Luxury: The color gold is synonymous with glamor and refinement, timelessness, and success. It is also an inspiring color that carries with it positivity and radiance. A deep purple, such as a plum purple color, also omits a sense of royalty, power, and notability. Additionally, silver is another color, when utilized with a shimmer tone symbolizes class and extravagance.

  • Romance: These are generally your reds and pinks that symbolize love, warmth, and intensity. Though some of the more modern versions of romantic colors are examples such as blush pink, peach, and some of more recent trendy colors as mauve, coral, and dusty pink. If you are looking for romantic colors that are more on the “cooler” tone spectrum, check out lilac or sage green.

  • Vibrance: Your yellows, oranges, and other bright colors, such as fuchsia, turquoise, and magenta. These are the colors that add energy, excitement, and draw a lot of visual attention.

  • Inviting: These are the colors opposite of your vibrant ones. These are more of your comforting, soothing, and calming color tones. Examples include your browns, tans, and olive colors. Other examples taupe, cognac, and terracotta.

Evoking emotion: How wedding colors inspire mood.

Venue: The Ritz Carlton
Photography: Akbar Sayed Photography
Decor: Event Envy